Timothy H. Miller Area Variances - ZBA 8/24/22
Robert & Amy Sczepanski Area Variance - ZBA 8/24/22
Amy & Robert Sczepanski Area Variance Application - ZBA 8/24/22
Richard & Judith Hyde Area Variances - ZBA 8/24/22
Richard & Judit Hyde Area Variances Application - ZBA 8/24/22
Rachael Ragosta and Renee Sopko Area Variance - ZBA Meeting 7/27/22
Planning Board - Cancellation of 7/13/22 Meeting
NYS Retirement System Standard Work Day Calculation for Denis Cooper, Melanie Eddy, William Himelein and Sherrie Tanner
Town Board Special Meeting to meet with Barton & Loguidice Engineers 6/21/22
Local Law #1-2022 Parking or Abandonment of Vehicles on Highways in the Town of Mina during the months of November, December, January, February and March