Title | Code | Download |
Establishing Standards of Conduct for Officers and Employees
1970.1 | |
Regulating Vehicle Parking and Standing in Designated Fire Lanes
1974.1 | |
Regulating Use and Excavation Within the Highways in the Town of Dunkirk
1976.1 | |
Pursuant to Article 8 of the NY Environmental Conservation Law
1977.1 | |
Parking and Standing Along Town Highways
1977.1 | |
Amended Fence Ordinance
1978 | |
Pursuant to Article 8 of the NY Environmental Conservation Law
1979.1 | |
Providing for Written Notification of Defects and Obstruction of Town Roads
1980.1 | |
Regulating Unsafe Buildings in the Town of Dunkirk
1980.2 | |
Travel of Vehicles at Twin Fair
1981 | |
Sewer Use Law
1981.1 | |
Amended "Penalties" Ordinance
1982 | |
Amended "Definition" Junk Vehicle Ordinance
1982 | |
Regulating Overnight Parking of Motor Vehicles
1982.1 | |
Establishing Uniform Rates for Users of East Lake Road Sewer District
1983.1 | |
Amending Article V of Local Law #1 of 1981
1984.1 | |
No Exemption of Section 458-a of Real Property Tax Law
1985.1 | |
Amendment to Local Law #1 of 1981 - Sewer Use
1985.2 | |
Administer NYS Uniform Fire and Building Code
1985.3 | |
Flood Damage Prevention
1987.1 | |
Establish Terms of Office for Supervisor, Clerk, Highway Superintendent
1987.2 | |
Regulating Burning of Certain Materials in Open Fires
1988.1 | |
Regulating Animals
1988.2 | |
Regulating Dumping
1989.1 | |
Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Management
1989.2 | |
Regulating Parking at Intersections
1989.3 | |
Amending Sections 1 & 2 Article V of LL#1 of 1983
1990.1 | |
Conduct of Games of Chance
1991.1 | |
Conduct of Games in BINGO
1991.2 | |
Penalty Fee for Check Returned
1993.1 | |
Application for Economic Development Zone
1994.1 | |
Regulating Parking on Wilbur Road - Fire Lane
1996 | |
Regulation of Yard Sales
1996.1 | |
Providing Veterans Exemption from Taxation of Real Property
1997.1 | |
Creation of a Moratorium on the Erection of Communication Towers
1997.2 | |
Regulation of Telecommunications Facilities
1997.3 | |
Adoption of Zoning Law
1998.1 | |
Regulating the Use of Trucks and Semi-Tractor Trailers on Williams Street
1998.2 | |
Amend Description of Real Property
1999.1 | |
Enacting A Local Dog License Fee of the Ag and Markets Law
2000.1 | |
Authorizing the Issuance of Appearance Tickets by Public Servants
2001.1 | |
Electing a Retirement Incentive Program
2002.1 | |
Amend Zoning Local Law
2002.2 | |
Prohibited Parking on Arrowhead Chadwick Way
2003.1 | |
Returned Check Fee
2003.2 | |
Adult Entertainment Moratorium
2003.3 | |
Adult Entertainment Moratorium
2004.1 | |
Adult Entertainment
2004.2 | |
Appointing Dog Control Officer
2006.1 | |
Repair or Removal of Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures
2006.2 | |
Providing for Administration and Enforcement of the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code
2006.3 | |
Requirement of a Key Box on Commercial, Professional, and Industrial Buildings
2007.1 | |
Enacting a Moratorium for 12 on WECS
2008.1 | |
Public Officers Law
2009.1 | |
Extending a Moratorium 9 Mons. on WECS
2009.2 | |
Extending 6 Mos. Moratorium on WECS
2010.1 | |
3 Mos. Moratorium on WECS
2010.2 | |
Wind Energy
2010.3 | |
Dog Licensing
2010.4 | |
Override Tax Levy
2012.1 | |
Appointment of Zoning Board Members
2012.2 | |
Regulating Parking
2013.1 | |
Tax Cap
2013.2 | |
Best Value Purchase
2014.1 | |
Abolishing Elected Position
2014.2 | |
Road Cuts
2015.1 | |
Residency Highway Superintendent
2015.2 | |
Residency Deputy Town Clerk
2015.3 | |
Amending Zoning Law
2016.1 | |
Moratorium on Solar
2017.1 | |
Exemption from Taxation
2017.2 | |
Solar Law
2017.3 | |
Override Tax Levy
2017.4 | |
Tax Cap Local Law
2018.1 | |
Solar Moratorium
2021.1 | |
Extending the Moratorium on Installation of Large-Scale Solar Energy Systems
2021.2 | |
Solar Battery Storage
2021.3 | |
Revision of Solar Facilities Law of 2017
2021.4 | |
Short Term Rental
2023.1 | |
State Uniform Code Local Law
2023.1 | |
Amending Local Law 1-1998, Zoning Law
2024.1 | |
Breach of Peace
2024.2 |