Collector's Notice
Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, collector of the taxes in and for the Town of Freedom, County of Cattaraugus, State of New York, have received the warrant for the collection of the taxes of the said town for the present year, and that I will attend at the place and dates named. The Freedom Town Hall 1188 Eagle Street Freedom NY. Monday 9am-1pm (8am-1pm January Only) Wednesday 4pm-8pm, (January Only), Thursday 5pm-8pm (4pm-8pm January Only), Friday 9am-1pm (8am-1pm January only), Saturday 9am -11am.
Further, take notice that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2025, without charge of interest. On all Taxes collected after such date, there shall be an added interest of one percent for each month until the return of the unpaid taxes is made to the Cattaraugus County Treasurer on the 1st day of April, 2025
Mindy M Holland, Freedom Tax Collector