Town Board Meetings 2025
TAKE NOTICE THAT all meetings of the Cuba Town Board are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Cuba Town Hall, 15 Water Street. The meetings start at 7pm.
January 13th Regular and Organizational Town Board Meeting
February 11th Regular Town Board Meeting
March 11th Regular Town Board Meeting
April 8th Regular Town Board Meeting
May 13th Regular Town Board Meeting
June 10th Regular Town Board Meeting
July 8th Regular Town Board Meeting
August 12th Regular Town Board Meeting
September 9th Regular Town Board Meeting
October 14th Regular Town Board Meeting
November 11th Regular Town Board Meeting
December 9th Regular Town Board Meeting
There is no parking in the right of ways in the Town of Cuba. Plowing snow across the roads is also prohibited.
TAKE NOTICE THAT I, Allesia A. Heslin, the undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Town of Cuba, New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Cuba for the year 2025. I will receive taxes at 15 Water St. in the said Town of Cuba from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025,
Tuesday and Thursday 8 AM – 12 PM and Wednesday 3 PM - 6 PM.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2025 without penalty. A January 31, 2025 postmark will count as a January payment. On all taxes received after said date, there shall be added interest of 1% to February and 2% to March. A $2.00 fee is added to all payments received on or after March 15, 2025 with exception to those postmarked March 15, 2025. All payments that do not include the additional $2.00 fee will be returned and further penalties may be applied, based on the date received.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE pursuant to the provisions of law the tax roll of the Town of Cuba will be returned to the County Treasurer of the County of Allegany on the 1st day of April 2025.
The Village of Cuba, NY will be closed Wednesday 1/01/2025 to celebrate the New Year! In case of water or sewer emergency please call the alt. number 585-268-9600 to report the emergency and someone will contact the DPW Superintendent. Reminder- Refuse and recycling pickup for the Village is delayed to Thursday 1/02/2025 due to the holiday. Happy New Year!!
Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Cuba will be holding a special meeting on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 5:30pm at the Cuba Town Hall located at 15 Water Street. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss contractual matters. The majority of the meeting will be held in executive session.
Dated December 30, 2024 by order of the Town Board of the Town of Cuba.
Please Take Notice that the Cuba Town Board is moving the January meeting to Monday, January 13th at 7PM. This will be a regular and organizational meeting. The meeting will be held at the Cuba Town Hall, 15 Water Street.
December 27, 2024
In the next few days, the Town and County tax bills will be arriving in the mail to property owners. Payments accepted in the month of January are without penalty. Payments accepted in February have a 1% penalty and March is 2% penalty and payments mailed on or after March 15th need a $2 late fee added to the March payment total. These penalties are set by statute. Short of a court order or explicit statutory authority the collecting officer in possession of the warrant does not possess any authority to reduce penalty charges/nor does any other town officer or board possess this authority. April 1st, bills return to the County and payments are due at your County Treasurer’s Office. At that time checks are payable to the County Treasurer.
A few things you should keep in mind when getting ready to pay your bill. Look at the top left corner of your bill for the name of the person the check is made payable. The mailing address appears there also. When making out your check, you should use the collector’s name and title. If you are paying in person, the top middle of the page will show hours of collection along with the pay in person address. THE DEPUTY VILLAGE CLERK AND VILLAGE CLERK ARE UNABLE TO RECEIVE THE TOWN CLERK’S TAX PAYMENTS. Payments can be dropped off any time in the black lock box in front of Town Hall. For those of you who are mailing in a payment, remember postmarks count! Be sure the date on your envelope is no later than January 31st. You may take it into the post office and ask for it to be hand cancelled to ensure the date. Remember, it is not the date on your check; it is the postmark on the envelope that counts.
Make sure the amount of your check corresponds to the amount due. Payments are returned if the amount is incorrect. This may cause a penalty if the bill is not resubmitted before January 31st. When your check goes to the bank, it is the written amount debited from your account, not the numerical amount. Take an extra moment to make sure it is written properly, again, if it is not, there could be a delay in processing your payment in an on time manner.
Please contact the tax collector if you have recently bought or sold property, unified, refinanced or initiated a mortgage. If you have bought or sold property, let the collector know the name and address of the person purchased from or sold to. The collector works to ensure the bills are being sent to the correct name and address. Do the same with financial institutions. This should be done in writing, by fax, or e-mail to make sure the tax collector has the proper spelling and mailing address of the property owner or mortgage holder. By doing this, it will help avoid late payment penalties by preventing tax bills from going to the wrong party. Whether you receive the bill or not payment of the bill is your responsibility.
It is a good idea to mail the entire bill with payment so the collector can stamp it “paid” and provide you with a proper receipt. These may be necessary for filing income tax returns, refinancing or selling your property. I receive many payments with just the receiver’s stub, and then have the property owner ask for a receipt. By mailing the entire bill you are saving yourself, the taxpayer, money by not duplicating something you already have in your possession. The collector will mail you a receipt. Until then, your check is your receipt. This also saves the collector a significant amount of time, paper and ink by not having to print a separate receipt. It is also helpful if a self-addressed stamped envelope accompanies your payment for return of your receipt.
Tax receivers and collectors provide a service to the residents of their municipalities. Clear and frequent communications will help avoid problems and lessen the fear and anxiety property owners associate with the taxation experience.
I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Allesia A. Heslin
Town of Cuba Tax Collector
Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Cuba will be holding a special meeting on Monday, December 30, 2024 at 5:00pm at the Cuba Town Hall located at 15 Water Street. The purpose of this meeting is to pay the final bills for the year 2024 and any other business.
Dated December 11, 2024 by order of the Town Board of the Town of Cuba.
NYSLRS Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and Appointed Officials
*Village* Reminder*The Temporary Clerk's Office will be closed Monday and Tuesday Dec. 16th and 17th from 1:00-3:00 pm for training and Wednesday Dec. 18th from 9:30-12:30 for training and lunch break. Thank you.
Closed for Thanksgiving Notice 11.28, and 11.29- In case of water sewer emergency, Please call the alt. number 585-268-9600 as steps are in place to reach the DPW Superintendent. Happy Thanksgiving.